International Society for Selenium Research(ISSR)--国际硒研究协会



  1. Mission

  The International Society for Selenium Research (ISSR) is a non-profit organization with a goal of promoting integrated and multidisciplinary selenium research efforts worldwide. The ISSR will foster the collaborative efforts of researchers and professionals in selenium research by providing a forum for interaction at international conferences and communication via the ISSR website and newsletter.

  2. Membership

  Membership is open to all who are interested in fostering the expansion of communication and scientific exchange of new and emerging concepts centered within the multi-disciplines associated with current and future worldwide selenium research efforts. The membership will include regular, student and honorary members. A regular member has the right to elect, or to be elected, as an officer of the ISSR.

  To join the ISSR, individuals will need to complete the membership application form. The membership dues for a regular member is $50 (USD) for a two-year membership, and $20 (USD) for a student member.

  3. Elected Officers and Duties

  President: The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the ISSR. The President shall be responsible for overseeing the ISSR’ s policies and programs, including the election of officers every two years. The President also shall appoint the Chairs of the standing committees. The President will give a report at the members’ business meeting during the conference.

  Vice-Presidents: Two Vice-Presidents shall assist the President as needed. In case of the inability of the President to be present or to perform the duties, the senior Vice-President shall assume the duties of the President.

  Secretary: The Secretary shall be custodian of the records of the ISSR, and conduct the correspondence of the Society as directed by the President. The Secretary shall be responsible for taking minutes at all Society and Council meetings. Minutes shall be distributed to all attendees for their revisions or approvals, and kept as permanent records. The Secretary is responsible for managing the ISSR’ s web site. The Secretary shall report to the President.

  Treasurer: The Treasurer shall deal with all monetary issues of the ISSR and maintain accurate records thereof, and disbursements made on vouchers signed by the President and the person responsible for incurring the expenditure. The Treasurer shall present a financial report to the Council each year. The Treasurer shall report to the President for business issues.

  Council members: The Council of the Society shall oversee and assess whether the Society is achieving its stated mission and make recommendations for changes of the structure or the bylaws of the Society.

  The Council shall include the following 11 members:

  (1) Immediate Past President (not applicable for the 1st Council)

  (2) President

  (3) Two Vice-Presidents

  (4) Secretary

  (5) Treasurer

  (6) Five elected council members (or six elected member for the 1st Council)

  The elected Council members shall assist the President to work on specific projects or serve on a standing committee as Chair. The Council members should reflect the needs or interests of members from their residing areas and make recommendations to the President. The Immediate Past President as a Council Member shall assist the new President and the council as the information source of the ISSR, and provide a" consulting service" to the Society.

  For ISSR conferences, an International Scientific Advisory Committee will be formed to provide editorial assistance with the proceedings and vest with advisory responsibility for the conference program.

  4. Election

  Officers are elected for a two-year term, and can be re-elected to the same position twice before needing to step down from that position for at least two years. All officers shall be nominated by the Election Committee and elected by the members. All members who have paid their biannual membership dues for the current calendar years are eligible to be nominated for the officer positions and also eligible to vote. The election will be organized by the election committee using electronic ballots.

  5. Committees

  Committees will be established as needed to handle special tasks or business of the Society under the guidance of the Council. Committees will include, but are not limited to: Membership, Student awards, Newsletter, and Election. The Chair of each Committee will be appointed by the President.

  6. Awards and Fellows

  Awards are presented by the Society to recognize individuals for outstanding achievements in any facet of selenium research.

  Selenium Research Fellows are selected and approved by Council for their long-time scientific excellence, outstanding scholarly achievement, and great leadership on advancing knowledge about selenium.

  7. Amendments

  The amendment of these bylaws may be proposed by the Council and approved by a two-thirds majority of voting members using electronic ballots.